August - Kiwiflier 2024

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The August 2024 issue of Kiwiflier is available online here.

This month’s key updates include:

  • Jason’s first CEO column (p.1) where he brings an update from his recent time in the markets. He highlights that after a strong start we’re now in the midst of the summer fruit season where sales typically ease back, but with summer fruit expected to exit the market earlier than usual in some of our key markets we’re expecting this season’s good fruit quality to allow us to lift rates over the coming months. Supporting this is a feature article on our first ever Global Distributor tour, which looks at how we’re building on the value we’re returning to growers by sharing best practice from across our sales and marketing programmes.
  • An overview of how our demand-led strategy is delivering value (p.3) with a focus on KiwiStart and its ability to start our season strongly and capitalise on early-season sales opportunities.
  • Reflections on recent ZGS visits, from our Executive Officer Grower and Engagement Tracy McCarthy (p.4) and Grower Robbie Mayston (p.8). Both highlight the real pride our ZGS growers have in being able to work with our industry to deliver quality Zespri Kiwifruit. We also cover off some of the biosecurity and innovation partnerships underway focused on tackling challenges and creating value for growers in both New Zealand and our ZGS locations.
  • A focus on our European and North American markets in our market update, including some of the new campaigns we’re rolling out to connect with customers.
  • A guest update from the team at the Kiwifruit Breeding Centre (p.13), looking at the breeding process they undertake as we look at how we can enhance the quality, variety, and sustainability of our fruit.
  • You’ll also see a few stories with QR codes – scan these with your phone and it’ll take you straight to additional content on Canopy (once you’ve logged in).


Other articles in this month’s Kiwiflier include:

  • Sales approach 100 million-tray mark
  • Industry Alignment updates: Maturity Clearance System and Shareholder Alignment
  • Fruit quality updates
  • Soft Fruit Tester launch in Europe
  • Zespri’s Lilah Rosenfeldt wins BOP Young Grower 2024
  • Shares and financial information
  • Canopy login pointers
  • Protection from hail: check if you’re covered
  • Shed Talks wrap-up
  • GAP updates
  • GET updates, including ‘The Month Ahead’
  • NZKGI, and KVH updates
  • Q&A ‘From the Field’
  • Upcoming events: Zespri Annual Meeting, Grower Roadshows, Horizon Digital Showcase, AIMS Games (call for volunteers)